Dear William,
The topic you bring up is very interesting. It is the play between a dual and a non-dual worldview. I would say both of them are true, yet the ultimate truth or god is non-dual. In that case, satan would not be the opposite of god — but I think we are lost here in the usage of words, a lack of English language and slight variations within different traditions.
Therefore, let’s call it the Absolute. The absolute truth cannot have an opposite from my perspective. It is One without a second, Oneness itself, and is eternal.
Then, there exists our human reality: the Ever-changing- the polarities which make creation possible, as you beautifully describe in your article. I would call this the creation as a whole, the manifest and the unmanifest. Creation needs polarity to be created, just like our bodies come forth trough an egg and semen.
If you look at it like that, it is very clear why suffering exists in the world (I am referring myself to your article here). Suffering is the opposite of happiness, and within creation, everything needs an opposite to dance the dance of life. So in a yogic worldview, you would say that the Absolute is the screen within which it all happens. The happening itself, which therefore happens within the Absolute, is creation, which expresses itself as duality, polarities.
As the nature of duality is ever-changing, we can never find real, lasting happiness in this world. We need to turn towards the Absolute (which ultimately is who we all truly are) to find fulfillment.
Re-reading this, it seems we come to a point, where the thinking mind starts to twist or as you call it- spin. We come to an area that is hard to grasp with the thinking faculty, yet understood instantaneously when being experienced.
In all the traditions and religions we find a similar truth and pointers towards the Absolute. Language is something that limits us, and especially western languages do not have a lot of vocabulary in the area of the mind, god, spirituality and so on. Sanskrit is amazing in that regard, as it is a purely spiritual language.
Thank you for reading my article and responding! Wishing you all the best!